State: PA
Incentive Type: Training Grants and Credits
Incentive Title: Training Grants
Description: 1. CUSTOMIZED JOB TRAINING PROGRAM (CJT) - A training program to help employers provide specific job related training. 2. GUARANTEED FREE TRAINING PROGRAM - A training grant that provides assistance for basic skills training and information technology training.
Eligibility Requirements: Any Pennsylvania business is eligible, except point of sale retail businesses. Trainees must be making 150% of the federal minimum wage. May not receive the awards for more than 2 consecutive years, or for more tha 3 out of 5 fiscal years. To be eligible, a company must either be a start-up, existing, relocating or expanding their operations in PA.Trainees need to be verifiable PA residents. Trainees must fill all entry level and upgraded positions as stated in the agreement. Reimbursement is 75% of project costs with a 25% private cash match. 2. a. Eligible applicants for basic skills grants are manufacturing or technology based positions. The employee must earn 150% of the federal minimum wage and be a PA resident. Company may receive up to $450 per eligible trainee. b. Eligible applicants for information technology grants include front-line employees and supervisors of manufacturing firms and information technology professionals from any company except point-of-sale retail operations. The training must meet industry standards. The training could also lead to certification, but it is not a requirement. The employee must earn 150% of the federal minimum wage and be a PA resident. Company may receive up to $700 reimbursement per trainee. Businesses must apply through WEDnetPA for both grants.
Geographic Restrictions: Statewide
Granting Authority: PA Department of Community and Economic Development

The information which you have reviewed is a summary of the benefits and savings which may be available for your company. To receive a more detailed analysis of valuable opportunities for your company, please forward your contact information to Larry Kramer at

Impotant Legal Information
Information is provided in summary form and should not be considered legal, investing, or other business advice. Its receipt does not create a relationship between Incentis Group and recipient. All information is believed to be accurate at the time of printing but should not be relied upon, and no decisions should be made, without consulting the full text of the applicable statutes and seeking independent counsel. Incentis Group and FastFacility make no representation as to the eligibility of a company or person to receive any incentives.